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Generating favicon for personal blog

Published on November 21, 2018

We will go through creating a favicon (an avatar), converting it to necessary image format(s), and finally configuring webpages to use it.

First we need to create a favicon to add it to our website. For a personal blog I prefer using a personalized avatar. I used to create my avatar and downloaded the svg version to have a high quality image. Now the only bowsers that support svg favicons are Firefox and Safari. Hence it is a good idea to create a png version as well for say Chrome users.

Note: You might also want to create an .ico version.

Generating the png version

For this I used svgexport. This utility can convert .svg images to .png, .jpg and .jpeg versions.

  1. First you will need to install npm. Go to this link to download and install npm.
  2. To install svgexport on mac type the following in the terminal:
    sudo npm install --global --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root svgexport
  3. Now to generate the png version of the favicon, use
    svgexport images/favicon.svg images/favicon.png 64x

For me, the file sizes were:

  • favicon.svg = 51 KB
  • favicon.png = 1.1 MB

Note: I tried using ImageMagick to convert the .svg file to .png file. However it gave me errors and failed converting the svg file downloaded from

Embedding the favicons in html page

Next we need to add the following html tags to the <head>...</head> section of all webpages:

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/svg" href="/images/favicon.svg" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/images/favicon.png" />

Now the favicon should be picked up by web browsers whenever your website gets loaded.



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